As a black proud Tea Party patriot, I am extremely offended by MSNBC’ host Dylan Ratigan’s baseless accusation that the Tea Party Movement (my white brother and sister fellow patriots) embraces Nazis and racists. Ratigan’s attack epitomizes the liberal media’s commitment to protect Obama and his radical agenda at all costs. They have a genuine disdain for freedom, capitalism and We The People. No tactic is too low. Ratigan’s rant:
While interviewing (really badgering) Mark Williams of the Tea Party Express, Ratigan outrageously to portray the Tea Party Express but tour as a far right hate group supportive of the killing of blacks and Jews. Well then, what the heck am I doing on the bus? Did I miss the “People We Hate” memo? Or perhaps, the organizers hid that memo from me and other blacks on the tour.
Left wing fanatics such as Ratigan have no shame. Incredibly they will throw the innocent Tea Party patriots under the bus in defense of Obama and his far left radical agenda.
I have traveled across America twice, on Tea Party Express tours one and two. It truly angers me to see the wonderful, hard working, decent and color-blind white patriots whom I have met at the tea parties trashed, called Nazis and racists simply because they oppose the out-of-control Obama administration.
Ironically, the true character of the tea parties is the opposite of the media’s portrayal of them. In Texas, a white cowboy at a tea party approached me pushing a stroller with two black babies he and his wife who is also white recently adopted from Africa. The cowboy said they asked God to give them babies who needed their love the most. The excited dad proudly proclaimed, “Next week they will become U.S. citizens.”
I can’t remember the state where the tea party was held, but I was surrounded by an extremely excited white family of two parents and 15 kids (all home schooled). They were fans of my articles and music. We took several pictures and chatted about values. It was a wonderful exchange.
At another tea party at a rodeo arena, again I can not recall the state, a big man well over six feet wearing a big straw hat and a ZZ Top beard gave me a bear hug with his huge, vice-grip arms. Relieved that he liked me, the gentle giant conveyed his gratitude for all I was doing for our country. He pulled up one leg of his bib jeans to reveal his wooden leg. He said, “If Obama care passes, I may have to carve my next new leg.” I really appreciate what you are doing brother.”
During my travels on the Tea Party Express tours, I was showered with affection, given sentimental gifts and homemade brownies from the folks reported as racist by the liberal media. In Nevada, a small business owner offered me free dry cleaning for life. While I appreciated her extremely generous and sincere offer, shipping my laundry from my home in Florida could be a bit expensive.
At a number of tea parties across America, I saw signs which read, “Lloyd Marcus for President!” But how could this be? Jeannine Garafolo said the tea party movement is really about white racists not wanting a black president.
When our tour bus door opened in Memphis, Tenn., we were greeted by a white woman with a huge tray of bar-b-que spare ribs. She also brought baked beans and cornbread which she had prepared especially for us, an interracial team of performers and speakers. Is this the behavior of members of an angry racist mob? By the way, her spare ribs were outstanding. A close second to my mom’s.
The greatest proof the tea parties are not racist is the overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic response to my signature opening comment. “Hello my fellow patriots. I am not an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus, AMERICAN!” The crowds go wild with cheers and even some tears. These patriots flock to me expressing great gratitude for my stand not to be hyphenated. Countless times I have heard, “Hyphenating divides us. We wish to be Americans.”
So there you have it Mr. Ratigan. Do these people sound like an angry racist, hate-filled mob supportive of the killing of blacks and Jews? I submit that you know they are not.
You sir are an evil man willing to demean the character of millions of true patriots to prop up your American idol, Barack Hussein Obama. Accusations of the tea parties being racist are absurd. And yet, the liberal media is relentless in their attempts to sell their shameful lie. Liberals like Ratigan could care less about the devastating effect that fueling the flames of racial hatred is having on American race relations.
Folks, I take the liberal media’s accusation of racism against my fellow patriots who are white extremely personal. We patriots share a kinship through our love for our country. We are family. And you don’t allow people to dis your family.
March 27th in Searchlight, Nev., we launch Tea Party Express Tour III. For me, the rallies are family reunions. I can’t wait to see you.