Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Which is Googled More: Israel or Darfur?

The UN and the media’s Obsessesive Compulsive Israel Disorder (OCID), is apparently affecting what everybody is interested in.

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Using the Google Trends service, it’s easy to compare the popularity of different search terms over time. For example, you can compare the relative popularity of Coke vs Pepsi or Mac vs. Windows. What do you think would happen if we compared “israel” to “darfur”, “iran”, “iraq” and “aids”?


Screenshot taken December 9th, 2009

This graph shows the relative popularity of the search terms over the last twelve months of world-wide googling. Iran received 60% of the attention that Israel did, Iraq 40%, and AIDS little more than half.

Over the last few years 300,000 people have been killed in Sudan, yet over the last 12 months Darfur was googled a mere 4% as much as Israel!