Tuesday, December 29, 2009



By Gordon Duff/STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

I have worked in electronics, both communications and security systems for decades. The industry is full of magic, satellites that can read license plates, not just from space but inside parking garages and tell you the sex of the baby you may not know you are carrying yet. Industry people, us and terrorists, all know what exists and where it is. You only have to track the contracts and installations. It is all public information, public information the public knows nothing of. Terrorists know, believe that.

What can we do? One of the companies I work with is RoamZone. www.roamzonesecuritysystems.com Their equipment networks hyper-spatial cameras to allow biometric tagging and worldwide shared databases. What does this mean? It means that if you still have the same body, face, smell, anything either with a common facial pattern, body type or molecular signature, you can be tracked across the planet for life. This technology is cheap and common. You can be tracked by the odor of your belt or shoes alone, an odor seen as molecules, not smelled, seen at great distance.

The process of "tagging" puts an identity tied to, not only your face, but your smell, much as with a blood hound. You can be tagged, not getting on a plane, but anywhere in between, the train, entering an airport or even driving into a country with "pass and wave" customs like inside the EU.

Security folks can tell if someone who has been seen from a kilometer away in a village in Afghanistan shows up at an airport in Kansas City.

He can have plastic surgery but he will have to get an entirely different body. His molecular signature will be, not only on file, but shared thru the system worldwide in seconds.

If you don't have a system like this for your home or school and want one, let me know. These same sensors see IEDs underground, identify terror suspects from Predator UAVs or watch people getting off trains in Singapore.

Sensors can tell if you have a fever, if you have fired a gun, if you have handled explosives or are carrying biohazard material. All is detectable, not thru a sniffer or such, but from a football field away or more.

They know who you were when you drove into the airport. They could have greeted you by name when you came in the door. If you were in Britain, they would have told you to pay your back child support and when your car insurance is due.

When you hear that people got thru this and got away from that or fooled this device or that, this is total bull. In most airports, your wireless devices are tagged, their esns's read, sim cards hacked and text messages audited. The equipment to do this costs $100,000, peanuts.

Security can turn just your phone on and off or turn it on and use it to listen to any conversation within earshot. They can intercept your text messages, alter them and send them on.


Integrated systems using hyper-spatial analysis, enhanced optical and synthetic aperture radar can do things decades beyond anything science fiction knows. All of this is not only available but can be seen at any of the defense shows that terrorists are always visiting in droves.

This is the passive side. The active side is draconian. If this is what current "off the shelf" technology can do, can you imagine what the things we don't know about can do TO you?

Veterans Today Senior Editor Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and regular contributor on political and social issues.