Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Obama’s Communists Now Ruling the USA: Republic is Formally Dead

The bribes issued by Sen. Harry Reid and the threats issued by the Marxist usurper and dictator-in-Chief in order to garner votes for the ObamaCare Death Plan have now reached almost legendary proportions. In order to end cloture, Reid actually had $300 Millions for Louisiana written into the Senate’s ObamaCare Death Plan version to buy Senator Mary Landrieu’s (D-LA) vote.

It worked. Landrieu even bragged about it. Now, the would-be Chicago-style godfather Obama has threatened the hold-out Nebraska Democrat Senator Ben Nelson with closure of Nebraska’s Offutt Air Force base (which employs over 10,000 people and is the headquarters for the US Strategic Command) if he doesn’t play ball with him, the USA’s head mobster, and vote for the bill that will begin the ultimate slavery of the American people.

Note: Obama is so bent upon getting his way and destroying the USA that he is now openly—and in full view of all—threatening to place the country in even more jeopardy. The Communist Obama Government now has a stranglehold on the United States of America, its legislators and its people and he will NOT willingly let go. In fact, as his smile beams even more broadly he is squeezing ever tighter to end our lives and the life of our country.

In order to bring former Democrat and now Independent Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) into line, Obama ordered his minions to go on a search-and-destroy mission against Lieberman’s wife Hadassah. After his Tuesday press conference, it appears that Sen. Lieberman may have folded like the proverbial cheap suit.

Here are only a few of the facts:

  1. The ObamaCare Death Plan will gut Medicare by at least $500 Billions—in order to rid Obama & Co of Senior citizens. Seniors were forced into Medicare years ago and now they’re being told it’s time for them to die
  2. The pro-abortion language, if removed for the vote, will be added back in when the Senate and House cone together to “blend” the bills
  3. The government-run portion of the bill, which was ostensibly removed, will be added back in when the Senate and House cone together to “blend” the bills. Even if it isn’t now done now, the framework for all of the additional Obama-run new government agencies (over 140 of them) will remain in the Obama Death Plan
  4. The Marriage Penalty remains in the Obama Death Plan. You didn’t seriously believe this was about health care—did you?
  5. The Death Plan includes provisions for the Obama-run government to enter private homes in order to observe how parents are raising their children and to “counsel” said parents

There is so much wrong with this plan and the House plan—think total slavery—that it cannot be fixed. So, they will pass it anyway with a “damn the people” and “damn the Republic” attitude. When this horror passes, folks, it will mark the formal end of our Republic. We will then officially enter the beginnings of the Bondage Phase of our existence. Our rulers in Washington D.C. stopped listening to us some time back. They pay no attention to us when we march and/or question them at Town Hall meetings. Instead, Obama has found a way to ensure that he and his like-minded cohorts are never again voted out of office. The Obama has announced his plan to also shove Amnesty for Illegals and Democrat votes down our throats. Obama & Co pass one set of laws for what used to be We-the-People and another set for themselves—the ruling elite.

This is it. It’s fast approaching the now or never moment. Once more for the troops who understand: “We must no longer reason or deliberate. We only want concord and steadiness. The lot is cast. If we prove victorious, we shall be a just, free and sovereign people. If we are conquered, we shall be traitors, perjured persons and rebels.” John Adams during the American Revolution in 1777.