By Paul Eidelberg
Ever since the futile and fatal Israel-PLO Agreement of 1993, I have advocated a Peace Plan to overcome the Israel-Palestinian conflict. It is a Jewish peace plan, the only kind based on a realistic assessment of Israel’s enemy.
Genuine realism requires a theological understanding of the enemy. Genuine realists know that territorial compromise with Muslims only whets their appetite for further aggression. Genuine realists know there are no empirical grounds to expect Muslims to renounce Jihadism—the precondition of peace—unless they are so devastated as to expunge their desire to wage war for a hundred years—as the Allied powers did to Nazi Germany.
Israel’s leadership must first act on the recognition that if Iran develops nuclear weapons, Israel will cease to be a viable state as I have shown in previous articles. Hence, Israel will have to destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons development program.
Israel’s leaders must understand that Jerusalem is the focus of Islam’s war against the West. The West is steeped in denial. Israel must awaken the West by going on the offensive. After eliminating the genocidal threat issuing from Iran, Israel must pursue a phased strategy for destroying the entire Fatah-Hamas terrorist network west of the River Jordan.
Since the goal of the Palestinian Authority, depicted in its maps, is to conquer all of Palestine, a rational government of Israel should adopt the following course of action:
- Abrogate the Oslo Agreement and emasculate the leaders of the PA. This will demoralize the Arabs. No Arab leadership will speedily arise and command the loyalty of the artificial collection of rival clans called the “Palestinians.”
- With the PA destroyed, Israel’s Government should declare Jewish sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. (The Arabs in these areas will retain the personal, religious, and economic rights they enjoyed under Israeli law, but they will not vote in Israeli elections.)
- The Government should establish unequivocal jurisdiction over the Temple Mount.
- It should move certain cabinet ministries to Judea and Samaria. (This will convince Arabs that the Jews intend to remain in these areas permanently.)
- The Government should pass a Homestead Act and sell small plots of land in Judea and Samaria at low prices to Jews in Israel and abroad with the proviso that they settle on the land, say for a period of seven years. This would diminish the dangerous population density of Israel’s large cities and encourage Jewish immigration to Israel.
- Develop model cities in Judea and Samaria by attracting foreign capital investment on terms favorable to the investors. Based on experience, and given Israel’s present Gross Domestic Product of $200 billion, at least 150,000 Jews could be settled in Judea and Samaria within a few years. Their presence will prompt many more Arabs to leave, as tens of thousands have done in the past, and in greater number if offered generous incentives.
- The Constitution should empower the people by making members of the Knesset.
- The Knesset should be empowered to override decisions of the Supreme Court affecting the Jewish character of the Republic.
- Amend the “grandfather clause” of the Law of Return to diminish the number of gentile immigrants, and devote the vast funds thereby saved to assimilate gentiles now residing in Israel.
- Enforce Basic Law: The Knesset, which prohibits any party that negates the Jewish character of the Republic.
- Enforce the 1952 Citizenship Law, which empowers the Government to nullify the citizenship of any Israel national that commits “an act of disloyalty to the Republic.” (The term “act” should be amended to protect freedom of speech and press.)
- Put an end to the notorious tax evasion of Arab citizens and their countless violations of building and zoning laws.
- Terminate subsidies to, or expel, Arab university students who call for Israel’s destruction, and require Arab schools to include Jewish studies in their curriculum.
- Phase out U.S. military aid to Israel (now only 1.5% of the country’s GDP), as well as American participation in Israel-Arab affairs. Both undermine Israel’s strategic interests as well as Jewish national pride.