AEA-affiliated papers suggest Jerusalem accepted invitation to discuss Mideast free of atomic arms with Arab nations; PM's bureau denies report
Associated Press
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Whether the meeting takes place may depend on the participants' willingness to compromise on preconditions.
An official from a delegation accredited to the International Atomic Energy agency says IAEA chief Yukiya Amano planned to meet with the Arab group on Sept. 5 to try and bridge differences.
But he and members of other delegations describe the chances of success as possibly the best since 2000. That was when IAEA nations asked the agency to convene such talks
Last June, Iran convened its second nuclear summit and urged the international community to pressure Israel into subjecting its nuclear program to international oversight, as well as join the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi blamed Israel and the United States for being an obstacle en route to a nuclear weapon-free Middle East.
When Obama held his nuclear summit in Washington last year, was Israel a participant in these meetings? Of course not! Supposedly, his goal was to keep nuclear capabilities away from terrorists.
That hasn't prevented Iran from continuing its goals of obtaining nuclear weapons, while it continues to threaten both the West and Israel - the Iranian leadership are terrorists. Nor, did it stop this summit meeting from discussing the State of Israel, even though Israel had no representation at this 2-day meeting. (Sort of like talking about a friend behind the friend's back!)
Remember how the Press/Media were not allowed to take even a photo (except briefly) before one of the meetings were held - secrecy may be for security reasons, but when it is "open season" for one of America's ally's, it's time to at least be honest as to this world's reasons and intentions for wishing to disarm Israel.
One individual responding to this article in "Talkbacks" sums it up nicely:
Not implying that any of these exist, of coure... but the main difference is as follows: - No deterrents in Iran - no problems. - No deterrents in Israel - no Israel. And EVERYBODY knows it. Let's stop playing games with people's lives.