Money for Egypt - none for those August Social Security checks for Americans ..
Meet "Mr. Giver of Gifts"
Source: almasryalyoum
Ongoing negotiations surrounding President Obama’s recently pledged US$2 million aid to Egypt suffer from disagreements between Cairo and Washington. While the Washington insists on subsidizing civil society organizations directly “without approval from the Egyptian government,” Cairo rejects this position and demands that Washington reveal details about $42 million it disbursed to Egyptian organizations during the month of June.
While American negotiators are trying to impose a fait accompli upon Egypt, Egyptian negotiators have received clear instructions not to give in, said an anonymous official from Egypt's Ministry of International Cooperation. According to the source, a key Egyptian negotiator described the conditions as “unacceptable,” an indication that Egypt may reject the American aid out concern for protecting Egypt’s sovereign rights.
Official negotiations between the two sides began at the end of June. Minister of International Cooperation Faizal Abu Naga heads the Egyptian delegation, while Special Assistant to the President for Economic Affairs David Lipton and Under Secretary for Political Affairs William J. Burns head the American delegation.
Note: Hey, Egypt! I thought you had refused aid from the United States. How about this: giving gifts to Egypt is unacceptable to U.S. taxpayers - we're broke! Americans wish to protect our "sovereign rights" by refusing to hand over CASH with no strings attached to Egypt. Stop blowing up the gas lines in the Sinai; hand over our American student that you hold hostage as a "spy"; close up those tunnels into Gaza, allowing Hamas to smuggle in weapons; recognize Israel as a "friend" and neighbor and keep your peace agreements; then, maybe, we can discuss aid from America.