Sunday, January 16, 2011

Oh oh! Israel has been wiped off the map!

Source: Carl in Jerusalem - Israel Matzav
Friday, January 14, 2011

Spain and USAID wipe Israel off the map

You will recall that the other day I showed you an advertisement from 'Palestinian Authority' television that was sponsored by the Spanish government and that urged a boycott of Israel. Spain subsequently deniedthat it had sponsored the ad. Well, maybe. But now Spain and USAID are sponsoring an ad urging travel to an imaginary country called 'Palestine.' And surprise: Israel isn't on the map.
Now it seems as though Spain is funding the websiteTravel to Palestine. (h/t ElderofZiyon).This website is known for its ad in the UK which said that Palestine was the area from the Mediterranean to Jordan, thus eliminating Israel.

Note this:

Palestine lies between the Mediterranean Coast and the Jordan River, at the crossroads between Africa and the Middle East. The individual faces in any Palestinian town remind you of this rich history of cross-cultural influences. Today Palestine is proud to offer comfortable, stylish accommodations, fabulous restaurants, refined artists and galleries, exquisite handicrafts, innumerable archeological and religious sites, and antiquities from all ages.
From the River to the Sea....

And yes, if you click on enough links there, you will find both the Spanish government and USAID.