Obama and Clinton - pleased to hand over MILLIONS to the Palestinians
This week's latest abomination is the announcement from Clinton and the Obama administration that they are "pleased" to give another gift of monies to the Palestinian Authority. (See: U.S. gives $150 million in assistance funds to Palestinian Authority). An excerpt from this article below:
"Fortunately, in January, according to an announcement in Investors. com, there are some who will be questioning this administration's foreign policies and the mis-handling of foreign aid to the enemies of Israel. (See: Rethinking Palestinian Aid)
"Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday proudly said that the advanced aid shows the U.S. is standing "with our Palestinian friends even during difficult economic times as we have here at home." Or maybe the White House is just trying to shuttle to the West Bank as much aid as it can before the House turns Republican in January and the GOP starts asking the administration questions about its Palestinian aid plans. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen from Florida has a record of opposing aid to the Palestinian Authority, which she considers a terrorist sanctuary, and is likely to be the next chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee."
and now, I would like to demonstrate how the United States Obama administration's money to the Palestinians is used, first, by reposting a letter to Obama by an Israeli:
and this is the true version of "Free Gaza":
and now, with a warning of a very graphic video, this is the true version of how money is spent by the Palestinians. This video is from the Israeli who sent the letter to Obama (first video - above). He is just one of many voices in Israel, and he wishes to show to his friends in America and throughout the world, an Israeli's point of view, his dreams and prayers he shares with us, in order for the world to understand that not all things that come out of the news and media in support of Gaza and the Palestinians is the truth! This very disturbing and graphic video demonstrates that the Palestinians and Gaza do not seek peace with Israel - it continues to war against Israelis.
WARNING - graphic photos included!
Islamic Jihad by Hamas against Jews in Israel
Lastly, there is now pressure for Israel to FREEZE building homes in Israel for the next three months, after a SEVEN HOUR discussion between Netanyahu and Hillary Clinton.
US asks Israel for 90-day settlement building moratorium
posted by the Jerusalem Post. A quote from this news is: "PM discusses possibility of halting building with septet; in exchange, US would support Israel in the UN and give 20 fighter jets."
If this news is correct in its language, what it actually says is that the United States does not support Israel unless it agrees to freeze building, again, for another three months!
The United States has become a fair-weathered friend and does not look upon Israel as the only civilized, democratic nation in the entire Middle East, as it treats Israel with contempt. "Iit would support Israel in the UN" with a big "If" ... if Israel plays ball with us, "we will support her in the United Nations" has the combination of both a threat against Israel and a bribe in order to appease the Arab Palestinians.
The Obama administration, that so freely gives MILLIONS in support of Israel's enemies which shall be questioned come January, still does not understand why the Americans voted against Obama last week. Perhaps, in January, he will get the message.
Bee Sting