
Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau has thrown cold water on comments by Defense Mnister Ehud Barak celebrating the U.S. “present” of 20 advanced fighter jets to Israel in exchange for implementing an additronal freeze. Landau clarified that the jets are not guaranteed to Israel and noted that they depend on reaching a final agreement with PA which most Israelis do not believe is possible.Hmmm.
Landau also reminded Barak that, during the retreat from Lebanon he ordered when he was Prime Minister ,he promised Israelis that the U.S. would give Israel $800 million in return for making the move. “Whatever happened to the money they promised us then?,” asked Landau.
In other words, the only way we MIGHT have a chance of seeing these planes is reaching an agreement with the 'Palestinians' - which is VERY unlikely. And if we do reach an agreement with the 'Palestinians' - which is likely to be on their terms - we may not be around long enough to see those planes roll off the assembly line.
Thanks for the gift, Barack.
posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 6:23 PM
It has also been revealed in another news article posted last night that these planes would not be available under the most agreeable terms until 2016! "Carl in Jerusalem" has a clear and present understanding of this back-handed "gift" of Obama's.
Secondly, since Obama has not recognized a hand-written letter of former President Bush, with this president's prospects of becoming a "one- term" president, who is to say the next president in line would recognize any agreement between Israel and the United States?
How, exactly is Israel guaranteed that the word of Obama is one that can be trusted in light of the fact that Israel has already witnessed the lack of accountability in the Obama administration; something newly elected members to the House and Senate will be addressing in January; therefore, it would be wise to hold off on any agreements until after everyone knows exactly how reliable Obama's offers are to any nation.
And, it has also been revealed that the newly elected members will be addressing Obama's foreign aid policies to Muslim organizations i.e. Palestinians/Hamas/Gaza and now, Hizbollah through the Lebanon Army - ALL of which have promised to see the destruction of Israel. While Obama concentrates on the democracy of Israel, there is no mention of the constant and immediate threats from Iran.
My guess is that Obama hopes to keep up the pressure on Israel and settlements, in order to defuse the REAL threat - Iran - from having to be addressed by this administration.
Americans are not foolish enough to believe that this so-called "humanitarian aid" is going towards First Aid Classes in Gaza, while Hamas continues to shoot rockets into Israel's bordering towns. Life to the terrorists is meaningless, and so is any aid given to them on behalf of Obama's administration.
Bee Sting