Monday, November 15, 2010

Obama Administration’s Islamic Appeasement Agenda

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Obama's dream around Islam ~ tramples human rights ~ and risks bringing the US under these same subjugating laws. So long as they like us!!

Hilary says Malaysia could be a 'thought leader' ~ though I think the comment was relating to Shari'a finance ~ here is what the former Prime Minister, mentioned in this article, has said on thought:

Muslim scholars have been urged to focus on spreading Islamic thinking for the good of mankind and the world, said former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He said free thinking and individual freedom spread by Western theories would make Muslim society lose direction and objective in life. [+]

Free thinking is the cornerstone of western society ~ and without it the Islamic world has failed miserably ~ barring times around conquest. It is only the west's [infidel] success that has awoken them for their slumber.

The Shari'a finance whatever Muslims say it is can only be like a communist economy. In the international market one has to deal by different rules. You can be against capitalism in your own country ~ but if you wanted to by raw materials or import food stuffs ~ these must be gotten from the capitalist market. 

Islamic finance operators are going to take US and other world currency and run it through the Islamic system as Shari'a compliant. This is like the first internet bubble ~ there is something wrong here. How can, for example, IMF lending be Islamic compliant?

Muslim nations are “laughing” at European efforts to grapple with a debilitating debt crisis in Greece, said Former Malaysian deputy prime minister Tun Musa Hitam, and head of the World Islamic Economic Forum

“Seen from the east, from developing countries, we’re laughing because they’re not doing what they taught us,”

“You find that a European nation has adopted anything but good practice, which has resulted in a disaster (and) now the name and the prestige of the European Union is at stake, but more importantly, its economies,” he added.

“The normal way of resolving these issues is to go to the IMF. Developing countries do that, but not the EU.

“It’s yes, no, maybe every day,” he said. [+]

Along with all Shari'a finance's other promises ~ its going to be completely transparent:
The missing ingredients of “responsibility, transparency and accountability,” glaringly absent throughout fraudulent Greek reporting to the EU, were instead to be found in Islamic finance, he argued.

“The methodology of Islamic banking will become more acceptable, even without being in Islam,” he said.

He cited a surge in the numbers of specialist economic religious ulama, who re-interpret Sharia law for expansion throughout non-Islamic territories. [+]

The Islamic world is not short on arrogance!!

But they will have to get their Islamic finance along, without the oil revenue ~ maybe the center of the Islamic world can be in Malaysia!!

President’s Obama’s recent trip to Asia was intended to advance U.S. influence in the region, promote American exports, and create jobs at home.

But the U.S. President, and his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, have also been working to advance his un-American agenda – promoting a religion, the religion of Islam.

In June 2009, Americans were surprised to hear Obama’s deceleration in Cairo, that the U.S. and the Muslim world, where Shari’a law (Islamic law) dictates gender, racial and religious discrimination, “share common principles — principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”

On his visit to India, where sectarian violence between radical Hindu and Muslim fundamentalists groups, and attacks on Christians continue, Obama chose Mumbai’s Jesuit St. Xavier’s College, to praise Islam again, as “The religion [that] teaches peace, justice, fairness and tolerance.” Merely two years after terrorists from the radical Islamist group Lashkar-e-Taiba murdered 166 people, including six Americans in Mumbai, Obama stated: “All of us recognize that this great religion cannot justify violence.”

In Indonesia, speaking about American –Indonesian cooperation, Obama proudly declared: “many of the partnerships I’ve mentioned (trade, security and cultural exchange agreements) are a direct result of my call in Cairo for a new beginning between the United States and Muslim communities around the world.” However, such agreements were in place before he became president.

A few days earlier, in Kuala Lumpur, Hillary Clinton, emulated her boss, highlighting the “common values like respect for cultural diversity, pluralism, [and] religious tolerance,” that the U.S. shares with Malaysia, an Islamic state. She went on to praise Malaysia, as an example of religious tolerance, ignoring the fact that forty percent of the non-Muslim population suffers from governmental institutionalized discrimination. Indeed, the U.S. Department of State’s 2009 Human Rights Report noted that: “Longstanding government policies gave preferences to ethnic Malays in many area.”