Did you know Obama is using YOUR tax dollars to fund mosque ‘makeovers’ overseas
A Channel 2 Action News investigation found that the State Department is sending millions of dollars to save mosques overseas. This investment has received criticism as the United States makes an effort to slash nearly $4 trillion in government spending.
Plenty of outrage following the announcement made Thursday afternoon by a government commission that suggested huge cuts to the budget, including eliminating the interest education for home mortgage. This juxtaposed with United States investing millions to refurbish mosques as a good-will effort in Muslim countries has upset many taxpayer groups.
“We are spending money we don’t have. This is all on a gigantic credit card right now,” said Jared Thomas, a taxpayer advocate. Millions more dollars have been sent to places like Cyprus. The State Department displays before and after pictures of mosques refurbished with U.S. tax dollars.
The State Department declined a Channel 2 Action News request for an interview. We wanted to ask why are we using tax dollars to refurbish religious buildings overseas. The State Department did send Channel Two Action News an e-mail saying that they are fighting Islamic extremism by building relationships with Islamic leaders.
Darwish was born in Egypt and is now a former Muslim. Darwish told Farmer that she moved to America and has written several books critical of radical Islam. Darwish said that most of the mosques in Egypt are run by extremists who have ordered former Muslims like herself to be killed.
“We are rebuilding mosques to support the radicals, not to support the moderates. We are building mosques to issue fatwas of death against people like me,” said Darwish.
“To the average person who has probably seen their paycheck shrink and not grow, this could be an insult to them,” said Pete Sepp, President of the National Taxpayers Association.
Critics say that it is time to review funding for all federal programs that do not directly benefit taxpayers. ”We are spending money we don’t have and certainly we can cut items like this,” said Thomas.
The Deficit Commission announced it would look at slowing the growth of foreign aid. Channel 2 Action News is not aware if there will be cuts in this particular U.S Aid program. WSBTV H/T Her Royal Whyness
And the funding isn’t just for mosques overseas.
November 15, 2010
Categories: EnemyWithin-American, ISLAMOBAMA . . Author: barenakedislam
Categories: EnemyWithin-American, ISLAMOBAMA . . Author: barenakedislam
My note:
To my dear friends at Bare Naked Islam:
There is a list a mile long of Obama's contributions and support for Islam, reaching from here to Gaza!
Every dime Obama and his administration has given to the support and propaganda of Islam should be withdrawn immediately! It is apparent that Obama's agenda and love for the enemies of Israel and the U.S. should force Congress to begin an investigation into this White House's FOREIGN AID AND POLICIES - ALL FAILURES, at the expense of BILLIONS to the American taxpayers and the demise of America.
Bee Sting