Ben Johnson,
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights was set to vote on a 131-page draft report about the Obama administration’s decision to drop the Black Panther voter intimidation case today — but a partisan Democratic member prevented the commission from doing its job. Michael Yaki walked out of the meeting before the vote, preventing the commission from reaching quorum, a procedural motion designed to stall for time. A report now seems unlikely to be released until after the midterm elections.
The stakes could scarcely be higher. The draft report notes, “If the testimony before the Commission is true,” the Justice Department’s handling of the case would “encompass inappropriately selective enforcement of laws, harassment of dissenting employees, and alliances with outside interest groups, at odds with the rule of law.”
Among its most serious allegations, it presents….
Related posts:
- Impeachable Offense? Possible Perjury in Black Panther Case
- New ObamaCrimes in Black Panther Case?
- Black Panther Investigation Broadens, Could Ensnare Obama
- Prying Open the Door on the Black Panther Case
- Former Justice Dept. Lawyer Accuses Obama Admin. of Dropping Black Panther Intimidation Case for Racial Reasons
My Note:
Well, here's another scandal waiting in the wings ... impeachable offenses are piling up for this Administration and after tomorrow's Elections, may true, honest American leaders demand investigations into each and every offense and inappropriate handling of "justice".
Bee Sting