Thursday, July 1, 2010

Obama on Wright - Wright on Socialism

A 1995 video in which Barack Obama praises his "wonderful" pastor the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the "best of the black church."

On September 17, 2009, U.S. socialist magazine Monthly Review celebrated its 60th anniversary at the New York Society for Ethical Culture in New York City.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright, praises the publication for its "no nonsense Marxism."

Obama sat in this man's Marxist church for 20 years, listening to socialist sermons and he didn't even notice?

Either Obama is a liar or he is a fool.

Neither possiblity qualifies him to lead what's left of the free world.

via New Zeal 

Would anyone like to guess what this information tells America, as to Obama's intentions for dismantling our country piece by piece, while making the same demands to Israel i.e. break down Jerusalem, piece by piece and while you're at it, Israel, ... why not just turn over your State to the Palestinians and be done with it?!  Thus, Obama goes unchecked, to date, by those in Washington who have the power to begin IMPEACHMENT proceedings.

Bee Sting