Monday, July 5, 2010

Missed Warning Signs!

MONDAY, JULY 5, 2010

July 4, 2010: The Thirty-Fourth Anniversary of the Raid on Entebbe

by Jeanette Pryor

Thirty-four years ago today, while Americans celebrated our Bicentennial, a young Israeli commander was shot and killed as he helped free 105 hostages in one of the worst terrorist hijackings in history.

The soldier’s name was Jonathan Netanyahu, and he led the command of the forces in the Raid on Entebee.

Ten years later, in July of 1986, his father, Benzion Netanyahu and son, now-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, published the conferences of the second of two international symposiums on the subject of International Terrorism.

The symposiums, held in 1979 and in 1984, were hosted by the Jonathan Institute, an organization founded by Professor Benzion Netanyahu in memory of his son, who died in the war on Terror.

Published as International Terrorism: Challenge and Response and Terrorism: How We Can Win present the collection of the conferences and represent an intense analysis of the philosophical roots of terrorism, an assessment of the Western nations lack of sufficient reaction against Terrorism, and a practical plan to defeat Terrorism that will destroy our civilization if we continue to ignore the menace it presents to our way of life.

In the preface to Terrorism: How We Can Win, Prime Minister Netanyahu states the following:

“My brother believed that the battle against terrorism was part of a much larger struggle, one between the forces of civilization and the forces of barbarism.”

The institute adopts, as its official definition of Terrorism:

“Terrorism is the deliberate and systematic murder, maiming, and menacing of the innocent to inspire fear for political ends.”

What is the political end pursued by Terrorists?

“To destroy the fabric of democratic, lawful societies all over the world.”

Specifically, Terrorism targets the West because:

“Spiritually, its values are the direct antitheses of those of terrorism.”

One of the chief psychological tools of the Terrorists, is to presents themselves as involved in their own struggle to free themselves from oppression. Netanyahu dedicates his first chapter to dispelling the common myth:

“One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter.”

He does this by underlining the differences between Terrorism and fighting for human rights.

“There is a need for the Terrorists to establish a false symmetry. After an attack, when the initial horror recedes, the terrorists are respectfully asked to explain their demands and, more significantly, the reasons for their actions. Soon, a readiness to accept the terrorists point of view.”

His father continues:

“To fight for freedom means to fight against oppression; oppression means violation of man’s rights; hence to fight for freedom means to oppose such violation.

Consequently, no freedom fighter could stand such violations. Far from being a bearer of freedom, the terrorist is the carrier of oppression and enslavement.

The three distinctive sights we have just mentioned, his method of warfare, which includes the murder of children; his oppressive rule over his own people; and his alliances with tyrannical regimes, indicate this unmistakably. We much reject the myth of terrorist as a freedom fighter.”

One can easily understand why the Left excoriates Benjamin Netanyahu when reading the chapters that identify the chief sources of Terrorism directed at the West.

“Communist totalitarianism and Islamic radicalism have, between them, inspired virtually all of contemporary terrorism. Both legitimize violence for higher causes, and both are hostile to democracy.”

The Marxist Left, profoundly sympathetic to the Islamic Radical movement, engages constantly in generating the “Terrorist as Freedom Fighter.”

By casting Israel in the roll of the oppressive, torturing Imperial State, the freedom-loving Westerners are paralyzed with a irrational fear that, in repressing the Islamists, they are actually killing the equivalent of American Revolutionary they rightly celebrate.

Using the three-point test offered by the Jonathan Institute, we see that the Islamists are not Freedom Fighters at all, but:

“a new breed of man with takes humanity back to prehistoric times, to the times when morality was not yet born.”

Netanyahu points out that Islamists not only kill innocent civilians in seizing power, but once in control, they establish repressive, totalitarian regimes.

Iran is a perfect example, this barbaric country in which women are arrested and often thrown into prisons to be raped by the soldiers for the crime of allowing their shroud to slip and reveal their hair.

In Gaza, this paradise that the American excrement Ayers and Dohrn went to “liberate,” girls are killed so the honor of their murderous parents can be restored when their daughters are gang raped. These are the concrete reasons that we cannot consider Terrorists as Freedom Fighters.

Further chapters explain why it is imperative for Western societies to accept once and for all, that Islamic Terrorists are working for Totalitarian States and will never cease to use the tactics of Terror until they have replaced our free democracies with Sharia States.

The Jonathan Institute recommends, not only that we adopt strident measures to defend our civilization, but that Western countries band together to do so.

The greatest fear I retain from reading these two books, is that of elected officials who continue to entertain the idea that it is our foreign policy, and not the expansionism mandated by Sharia of Islamic totalitarian states, that drives Terrorism against us.

According to the Jonathan Institute scholars, the policies generated by this failure to grasp the nature of Terrorism is the path to suicide.

It is eerie to read the recommendations of this strategic planning committee, composed of some of the world’s leading experts on Terrorism at the time.

Had they been heeded, our Twin Towers would still be lit by the reflection of tonight’s fireworks.


With thanks to NewsReal Blog