Saturday, July 24, 2010

Iran Update 24 Jul 10 - from: Ryan Mauro's World


July 24th, 2010

These from our friends in Iran. Dissension in the gas lines.

Tehran, July 23, 2010. ISC reported that around 3 pm there have been clashes between people waiting in line for gasoline and the suppressive agents present at Roosevelt Gas Station. All the drivers and passengers of the vehicles in line for gasoline got out of their vehicles and chanted ‘death to dictator’.

Tehran, July 22, 2010. Though days have passed from the ruling of US Court of Appeal in regard with delisting of PMOI, media affiliated with Khamenei’s band are still mourning about the issue. Raja News state-run site wrote: “Maryam Rajavi said that when the court has ruled that PMOI’s name must be taken off the list, the law and justice must be respected and the decree must be executed”. The site added: “the court has issued a verdict announcing that PMOI must have the opportunity to answer this allegation that ‘this group is still active in terrorist activities or has its potential’.”

Tehran, July 23, 2010. A regime’s MP said that Khamenei himself has ordered the suppression of women under the mullah- made excuse of ‘improper veil’. In reaction to some regime’s bands that fear the burst of people’s wrath because of the intensity of suppression of women, Mullah Mohammad Taghi Rahbar said: “I ask Sir (Khamanei) which authority and with what permission can stop SSF from executing its task (suppression of women)? Sir has warned SSF times and again that it is their natural duty to fight with the signs of ‘improper veil’ and corruption”.

Tehran- July 22, 2010. According to reports, political prisoner Reza Jushan announced in a letter sent to us that he was forced to go on a hunger strike as of July 21 because of the intolerable and inhumane conditions in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. This 25 year old prisoner was arrested on December 1, 2009 after agents of the Intelligence Agency raided his home. He was taken to a solitary cell in the Sepah cellblock and after two months was taken to cell block 4.

Intelligence Agents once again raided the home of this family on December 7 and arrested his mother, Zahra Asadpour Gorji. She was also taken to the Sepah Cellblock and after weeks of interrogations and physical and mental torture, was transferred to Gohardasht Prison’s female cell block. Gorji and her daughter Fatemeh Jushan were arrested before this for visiting their family members in Camp Ashraf in Iraq and were detained for 16 months in Gohardasht Prison. They were released after serving their prison term. Gorji and her son were sentenced to one year of prison to be served in Zanjan Prison and four years of exile in the Qeilar Village in Zanjan.

The below letter was written by Reza Jushan to Gerami, Gohardasht Prison’s manager and has been sent for us as well:

I announce in this way that I, Reza Jushan, son of Mohammad Salam, have been banned from having visits and making telephone calls in my detainment in cell block 17 since April 10, 2010. I have gone on a hunger strike for the below reasons:

My future state has not been determined and I have not been transferred to the public cell block.

I am banned from making calls and visiting my mother Mrs. Zahra Asadpour Gorji, son of Habibollah, who is currently in the female cell block in Gohardasht Prison.

Not having the right to call or see my family outside of prison.
All of these three stated issues are the minimum rights of a citizen and prisoner.

I have not received any answers to my previous letters I wrote to you.
Therefore I announce in complete physical and mental health that as of now I will go on a hunger strike for an unlimited amount of time.
It is obvious that until all the above mentioned issues are seen to I will not break my hunger strike.

Good luck.

Odierno: Iran Helping Three Shiite Groups Attack US Bases in Iraq

July 24th, 2010

Why is Iran doing this? Because it works. And it works because we let them do this. Click herefor my latest NRB post on this topic. When Iraq tried to get a U.N. tribunal to prosecute Syrian officials for sponsoring terrorism, the violence fell 90 percent. When international attention was brought to the case of an Iranian woman about to be stoned to death for “adultery,” the regime backed down recently. We can influence their behavior if we make it counter-productive for them to sponsor attacks on our forces.