Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dear US. State Department - Your "excuse" for PA flag waving is unacceptable

US Insists 'No Change in PA Status' Despite Flag Waving

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

The United States insists that allowing the Palestinian Authority to fly its flag in Washington does not represent an upgrade in its diplomatic status. The PA said Friday that the American government is changing the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) mission’s designation from “mission" to "special delegation.”

The change allows the flying of the PA flag at the entrance to its office and grants PA officials cetain privileges..

However, U.S. State Department spokesman Phillip Crowley told reporters that the report was partially incorrect and that the permission for flying the PA flag was only symbolic. “There has been no change in the status of the Palestinian mission here in Washington…. It does not have any diplomatic privileges or immunities,” he stated.

Crowley explained that an “improvement in the relations between the United States and Palestinians” led to the allowing of a PLO request “to call itself the General Delegation of the PLO, which is a name that conforms to how they describe their missions in Europe, Canada, and several Latin American countries. But these steps have symbolic value…but they have no meaning under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.”

Crowley said that the Obama administration “recognized its importance’ to the PLO and granted the request but insisted that “their status as a mission has not changed.”

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reportedly agreed with the decision to allow the PA flag but only on condition of a halt in Arab incitement against Israel. Government spokespersons expressed disappointment on Friday that this was not done, but were not available for comment on the official State Department report on Sunday.

TO:  US State Department and Obama 
From:   An American
RE:  Flying a PLO/PA flag along side America 

Who are you kidding?  Obama "recognized its importance to the PLO"?  So what!  Who cares? Obama recognizes the Arabs, pits the Arabs against Israel, and we're suppose to find your latest "excuse" acceptable?  How dare you mock the intelligence of the American people. 

Tell us what the PLO has done to enjoy such status in America.  Tell us why an organization that has continued to "needle" our ally Israel, continues calling for the destruction of Israel, deserves such respect.  For crying out loud, they burn the American and Israeli flags!

The Palestinian flag is also the flag of Hamas.  Do you understand that allowing the PLO's to fly their flag in Washington is allowing recognition of a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION to fly their flag on American soil?  Get real - this is outrageous!

You are attempting to give the PLO status - a flag, Mr. President, is the most treasured symbol of our country, along side our Constitution.  You do not respect it; you, sir, have removed it and in its place, use a stupid, childish, ignorant big fat "Zero".  You, sir, do not even salute America's flag.  So, flags mean nothing to you, Mr. President, but they mean everything to an American patriot.

If you try for the next 100 years, NOTHING this State Department claims as reasons for flying their flag in Washington, DC is acceptable to Americans.  I do not care if Bibi "approved" - this is our land, and the American flag does not fly along side terrorist organizations.  What choice did Bibi have, when you have pressured Israel to make concessions for the past year and a half; when you have insulted Israel; when you have boycotted Israel; all in the name of "peace"?  Are you attempting to upset Americans against Israel, by commenting that "Bibi approved"?   We are fully aware of your on-going attempts to push Israel to the wall, while promoting both the PLO's and Gaza!  You are a walking, talking representative of hypocrisy, Mr. President.

Remove your un-American logo - the big fat Zero - and replace it with our American flag immediately!  Then perhaps we'll take anything you say seriously.  Better yet, resign!

Bee Sting