Gutsy 16-year-old Jewish student who took on the vicious pro-Palestinian mob tells the rest of the story about that day
Daniel’s own version of the events of his bold march through the anti-Israel lions’ den- and the resulting rally which he inspired. The hostile Palestinian-American bitch from the rally and a police officer add their views.
ORIGINAL VIDEO: los-angeles-one-courageous-jewish-student-stands-up-to-angry-mob-of-muslim-and-leftist-pro-palestinian-protesters
June 25, 2010
Categories: Islam and the Jews . . Author: barenakedislam
Categories: Islam and the Jews . . Author: barenakedislam
Daniel has the faith of a "Daniel" - in the lion's den .. which today, is someone who stands up to Islam - like this crowd of Muslims, protesting and spilling their propaganda on the streets of America and yet, draw one little cartoon and the Muslims will be crying out, "Off with his/her head"! Our troops fight Islamic terrorists and here, at home, Islam fights with American citizens ... the hypocrisy of the "Religion of Peace" has so far, since Sept. 11th carried out 15, 533 attacks. (see Bee Sting