9/11/10 Pipes & Drums - Iaff Memorial - Fallen Firefighters
Uploaded by azgolfergal on Sep 12, 2010
Pipes and Drums closing ceremony of the IAFF Fallen Firefighters Memorial in Colorado Springs 9/11/10
Uploaded by nozzleman2006 on Sep 12, 2006
9/11 Tribute (Pink Floyd)
Uploaded by scicco21 on Oct 29, 2006
Shortly after 9/11/01 I realized the lyrics to Pink Floyd's "On the Turning Away" eerily mirrored what was going on. I waited until the one-year anniversary and set various clips to this moving song.
Wake me up when September 11th Ends - A 9/11 Tribute Video
Uploaded by ColbertsHippo on Sep 2, 2007
A video I made to honor all who died that day, nearly 3000. Several hundred of these were with the FDNY, risking their lives to save someone elses. I released this video about a week before the 6th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001.
I designed this video to highlight, chronologically, the events of Sept 11 and the time after, starting from the first plane strike, second plane strike, pentagon strike, 4th plane being downed, towers being downed, post-9/11 patriotism, and then the War on Terrorism.
I remember that day clearly. I was in third grade. I think we were doing math when a voice came over the intercom saying that America had been attacked. We took a moment of silence and then my teacher tuned into CNN.
I feel too many of us have forgotton about the significance of that day. What was everyone saying then? Never forget. We once stood together in a war against the terrorists. We were a united, strong, willing nation, and now what? We are divided on the topic of the current War in Iraq. We seemingly have no allies that are willing to die for the cause. We ourselves seem to not want to die for freedom, either. That is what this is about. I quote Osama bin Laden showing why we must fight. "..We love death. The US loves life. That is our biggest difference." That quote may not be exact, but he said that.
Have we forgotton what it means to fight?
I designed this video to highlight, chronologically, the events of Sept 11 and the time after, starting from the first plane strike, second plane strike, pentagon strike, 4th plane being downed, towers being downed, post-9/11 patriotism, and then the War on Terrorism.
I remember that day clearly. I was in third grade. I think we were doing math when a voice came over the intercom saying that America had been attacked. We took a moment of silence and then my teacher tuned into CNN.
I feel too many of us have forgotton about the significance of that day. What was everyone saying then? Never forget. We once stood together in a war against the terrorists. We were a united, strong, willing nation, and now what? We are divided on the topic of the current War in Iraq. We seemingly have no allies that are willing to die for the cause. We ourselves seem to not want to die for freedom, either. That is what this is about. I quote Osama bin Laden showing why we must fight. "..We love death. The US loves life. That is our biggest difference." That quote may not be exact, but he said that.
Have we forgotton what it means to fight?
US National Anthem drowned out by cheers at 91 NHL All Star Game
ploaded by dafoomie on Sep 18, 2006
Wayne Messmer sings the National Anthem at Chicago Stadium during the '91 NHL All-Star game, days after the U.S. went into Iraq at the start of the Gulf War. He is nearly drowned out by the crowd.
This was broadcast live to the troops in the Middle East, and Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf played this for his soldiers to show them the support they had from the American public.
This was broadcast live to the troops in the Middle East, and Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf played this for his soldiers to show them the support they had from the American public.
I wish to thank everyone, too many to mention or post here,
who honor and pay tribute to
all who sacrificed their lives
September 11, 2001
continue to sacrifice daily to keep America free.
Bee Sting
and NEVER forget how other's celebrated on 911

see Elder of Ziyon for more .... !!!