Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 19, 2011 - The Day America is betrayed and Israel, our ally, thrown under the bus (again!)

May 19, 2011 - Mark this day down in your journals, as it will be a day in history when a President of the United States crossed the line and betrayed the State of Israel, along with all Americans.

Obama gave a speech to the "Arab" world earlier today.  Response to that speech will be pouring in for days to come as the most out-landish, un-American speeches presented to America and the world, by a United States president.

While Obama speaks "for: America" and insists that Israel return to its "67" borders, implies (more than once) that Israelis are the "occupiers", I must ask, how are the Jews occupiers of their own lands? 

Hamas linked up with Fatah - it's a signed, sealed and delivered deal, with Egypt as their mediator.  Fatah chose Hamas over negotiating with Israel for peace.  No one put a gun at the head of Abbas, no one twisted his arm to make this deal; he chose it openly and proudly.  This, while Hamas cries "Death to Israel, Death to the Jews".

Therefore, when Obama speaks of the Palestinian Authority, he speaks of Hamas - Hamas is the Palestinian Authority - period!  Hamas is listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government - when was it removed from our List of Terrorists?!

How does a nation make peace with terrorists?  Does it give terrorists all they want on a silver plater, without first making sure the terrorists are intent on laying down their arms, waving a white flag, and demonstrating they wish to make peace?  Has the United States allowed Al Qaeda and other Muslim terrorist organizations to murder U.S. citizens?  Or are we on constant alert to prevent another attack like 9-11?  Are our troops dining with terrorists, or fighting them?  Have we invited these Muslim terrorists to come live next door to us and share our meals with us?

Google and read the Hamas Charter!  For that matter, do the same for the PLO/PA Charter - both cry death to the State of Israel and death to the Jews.  (silently, they feel the same towards the West).  Haven't you seen the videos of Palestinian Arabs dancing on 9-11?  There were in Gaza, passing out treats and celebrating - have we forgotten who our enemies are so soon?

11-year-old Palestinians: Martyrdom better than this world

That does not prevent Obama from throwing America's strongest ally under the bus; loyalties mean nothing to Obama - when something or someone becomes an inconvenience, throw them under the bus!  He did this to his former Pastor of 20 years, when Rev. Wright became an embarrassment to him during his campaign.  He did this to Americans who objected to his healthcare plan; he did this to the state of Arizona; to those seeking more secure borders; he did this to the Egyptian Murbarak, an ally of the U.S. for over 30 years, and he now does this to the State of Israel - the only strong ally and true friend of the U.S. in the Middle East.

But he did much more today, by suggesting Israel return to borders of '67.  

He divided the holy City of Jerusalem!

Jerusalem, under Israel, is open and free for peoples of all faiths to visit and to worship.  Jerusalem will be closed under leadership and/or ownership of the Arab Muslims i.e. Palestinians.  Think about this for one minute.  Christians have been betrayed, not just the Jews.  

The Coptic Christians in Egypt are murdered and their churches burned.  This has not stopped since Murbarak "stepped down".  There is no democracy or freedom for anyone in Islamic countries.  Nor, will there be freedom to worship in Jerusalem, once it is partly turned over to the Muslims.  Check your history books.  

The Palestinians were GIVEN Gaza and they turned Gaza into a terrorist-led, missile bombing, piece of land, fighting their neighbors (Israel) without uniforms, as they are not a legitimate army, they are TERRORISTS, supported and armed to the teeth by Iran. They were not welcomed into Egypt until Murbarak stepped down.  What does that say about the future of Egypt?  Palestinians in the West Bank murdered an Israeli family less than two months ago.  Does anyone think that by demanding Israel appease terrorists, giving up more land and having its citizens fear to step outdoors, or sleep at night, there will be peace in the Middle East?

The Middle East is on fire! Israel cannot put that fire out, and neither can the United States. 

The White House is on fire and only Americans can put out the flames.  We beg our Congressmen and women to put a stop to the outrageous intentions of this president's foreign policies.  Today, Obama cursed Israel - and we will all be responsible for the outcome.

I will make you into a great nation, 

   and I will bless you; 
I will make your name great, 
   and you will be a blessing

I will bless those who bless you, 

   and whoever curses you I will curse; 
and all peoples on earth 
   will be blessed through you.” Gen. 2, 3

Under the Obama administration, an administration with all sympathies towards the Arab Muslim demands, we are all cursed.  The only Race Obama appears to hate is the Jewish race.  He is not a friend to Israel, the Jews, or Americans who have known its history up until today. 
After today, anything goes, unless Congress puts up a huge sign, "Stop"!  Stop this madness, please!

Bee Sting

Sh'ma Yisrael - Hear O Israel