
Sunday, September 18, 2011

VIDEOS (by Latma TV) - Song to the Turkish Dumvvell

"Political Islam, resorting to asymmetrical warfare and terrorism," he said, "has already intimidated a tired and perplexed Europe and has frightened the U.S.
"It seems that the U.S. and the democratic West do not have a sound strategy to deal with political Islam," he added. "The West appears to have no strategy or will to prevent a shifting of power, or to guard Western culture, civilization and democracy."
Assad Homayoun, 

                         The Tribal Update interviews General Tantawi and brings you to
 the deck of a Turkish warship

Uploaded by  on Sep 16, 2011
The Tribal Update interviews General Tantawi and brings you to the deck of a Turkish warship

Song to the Turkish Dumbbell