
Monday, September 12, 2011

STEALTH JIHAD: It isn’t so stealthy anymore

 Author: barenakedislam | Filed under: Islam in America | 12 Comments »

Darling of the Left, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf of the Ground Zero Victory Mosque wars,  and erroneously dubbed a ‘moderate’ Muslim, attacks our First Amendment rights in public.

Traditional Values  Today, rather than planes, Stealth Jihadists use mosques as nerve centers for resistance.  Rather than terrorists, Stealth Jihadists use imams and lawyers to drive the point home.  Rather than bombs, Stealth Jihadists use deceit and deception to say one thing while the realities on the ground are far different.
At a March 2011 panel at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. it was Imam Feisal Rauf who opened up a direct attack on America’s foundational constitutional protections and rights.  Rather than allowing Islam to be engaged in the public square critically, Rauf considers any criticism of Islam as “libel” — a hate crime.
Rauf opened the Stealth Jihadist playbook and removed any doubts about the true nature of the Stealth Jihad agenda.  In short, while keeping up an ecumenical front, Rauf and other  Stealthies intend to openly use American laws to crush dissent, demanding our laws silence any criticism, concerns, or questions about the Islamist threat.
The list doesn’t stop there.  The so-called Cordoba Mosque at Ground Zero?  Keep in mind that the Moors, when they conquered Cordoba in the 7th century, converted the Christian cathedral into an Islamic “victory” mosque.   For Islamists to spike the football in New York City at Ground Zero with a victory mosque of their own is outrageous enough.
But to be condemned as inciting “hate crimes” by questioning the prudence of such a move?  Westerners may consider this to be offensive.  Islamists have another term for such a struggle: jihad.
 This Stealth Jihad is being waged on multiple fronts, whether it is in chicken processing plants in Tennessee or in “no go” zones in Dearborn, Michigan.  This jihad is cultural, legal, spiritual, and as we saw 10 years ago on September 11th, 2001 — manifests itself in violence