
Saturday, September 10, 2011


JERUSALEM - An exposé by Yediot Aharonot military affairs reporter Ronen Bergman revealed last week that the wife of Captain Victor Saracini, the pilot murdered aboard United Airlines Flight 175 before terrorists flew it into the World Trade Center's south tower, secured documents from a special U.S. intelligence committee that allege Iran and Hizbullah provided the hijackers the means to launch their attacks.

Ellen Saracini came across the documents while preparing the groundwork for a massive lawsuit against individuals, banking sources and countries possibly involved in the planning of 9/11.

After realizing she'd stumbled onto heretofore unknown information concerning the roots of the 9/11 attack, Saracini secured the services of noted attorney Thomas Mellon. Mellon assembled a team to secure documents from the government intelligence committees that investigated the failures surrounding 9/11. What they discovered was profoundly disturbing.
According to Bergman's six-page report:

The National Security Agency and the CIA were aware of the links between Iran, Hizbullah and al Qaeda but were allegedly wary of telling President Bush after he had committed considerable resources to fighting terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. A member of the investigating committee admitted, "The committee learned way too late that Iran was behind the plan to get eight of the ten suicide pilots into the U.S.A. in the months before September 11." Iran allegedly played a key role in falsifying the passports of the terror pilots who were able to slip by U.S. security and customs agents.

As far back as 1990, Israeli intelligence was aware of the growing terror links between Iran, Hizbullah, Hamas and al Qaeda. When Mellon made a formal request from the Israeli government to provide him with the exhaustive information about the alleged links, contained in a secret file codenamed "Blue Sandals," government officials told him that since the information was part of a "joint effort" with another foreign power, authorization for release had to approved by the other country. Bergman says the "foreign power" has yet to authorize the release of "Blue Sandals."

CIA agents revealed that Imad Mugniyeh, the senior Hizbullah operations officer and Iranian agent allegedly assassinated by Israeli intelligence several years ago, was one of the individuals responsible for plans to sneak al Qaeda suicide pilots into the U.S.

Iran provided a safe haven for all senior al Qaeda terrorists involved in the attacks, including Sa'ad bin Laden, one of Osama bin Laden's sons.

Mellon has informed the government of Iran about the lawsuit but has yet to receive a response. Saracini's goal is to sue for tens of millions dollars in compensation in an effort to shut off the flow of monies to terror organizations.