
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Register for September 22 - The Perils of Global Intolerance Conference (Durban Watch)

The racist, anti-racism conference...Durban III, the UN-Sponsored Conference

On September 22, 2011, foreign ministers and heads of state will attend theDurban III Conference at the United Nation's headquarters in New York City. It is the third in a series of international events sponsored by the UN whose stated purpose is to combat racism. However, history has shown that the Durban events promote, rather than combat, racism.

Also on September 22, the Hudson Institute and Touro College have organized an event across the street from the UN at the Millennium Hotel in Manhattan. Their counter conference will focus on the perils of racism associated with past and current Durban Conferences. Called The Perils of Global Intolerance: The United Nations and Durban III, this event showcases a who's who of speakers from academia, public policy, journalism, human rights, politics and entertainment.

PJTV is proud to bring you video straight from The Perils of Global Intolerance Conference, on September 22, dubbed DurbanWatch for short.

button to the right to sign up for PJTV's live webcast featuring the following speakers:
  • Holocaust survivor, Eli Wiesel
  • Former U.S. ambassador, John Bolton
  • Former governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee
  • Academy Award winning actor, Jon Voight
  • Former NYC mayor, Ed Koch
  • Harvard professor and author, Alan Dershowitz
  • And many others
Click here to see the complete lineup of speakers.
And come back to PJTV on September 22 to watch:
  • The speakers at DurbanWatch
  • Plus reporting from Roger L. Simon, CEO of Pajamas Media, on the UN's Durban III event.