
Friday, September 16, 2011

Petition Against a Unilaterally Declared Palestine


draft ...... draft .... draft ....

  • Please sign this petition in the space provided below.

    We, the undersigned, call upon the 193 Members of the United Nations to vote against endorsing a unilaterally declared Palestinian state and to promote the resumption of bilateral negotiations.

    We are of the belief, as reaffirmed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his May 24, 2011, speech to the United States Congress, that a central goal of direct negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians is the establishment of two states for two peoples - a Palestinian state alongside the Jewish state in secure and recognized borders. A unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state would serve only to undermine a lasting and negotiated peace agreement and deepen the conflict.

    Furthermore, a negotiated settlement and the rejection of unilateral moves were enshrined in the 1995 Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement and endorsed by the Middle East Quartet. Apart from being counterproductive, the sanctioning of a unilateral move by the Palestinian Authority in and of itself represents a violation of existing and agreed upon international frameworks for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and binding bilateral agreements between the parties, including UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, both of which call for negotiations “between the parties concerned under appropriate auspices aimed at establishing a just and durable peace.”

    Rather than support unilateral action, we call upon the international community to encourage the resumption of bilateral negotiations immediately and without preconditions.

  • To add your signature to this petition, please enter your full name and email address below.

    JCRC-NY and IAN will not disclose personal or contact information to any third parties. All submissions will be securely monitored and only names will be submitted to UN member nations in September.
  • This petition was initiated by the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York in conjunction with the Israel Action Network, a project of the Jewish Federations of North America in partnership with the Jewish Council for Public Affairs.

    Co-sponsors of this petition include: UJA-Federation of New York; Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations; AJC NY; Anti-Defamation League; Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado; American Association of Jews from the Former USSR; American Friends of Likud; American Zionist Movement; American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise; AMIT; Birmingham Jewish Federation; Charleston Jewish Federation; Chilean Federation of Jewish Students; Coalition of 100 Black Women; Columbus Jewish Federation; Community Relations Committee of United Jewish Communities of MetroWest; Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of San Antonio; Community Relations Council of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater; Council of Young Jewish Presidents; Emunah of America; Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America, Inc.; Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council; JCRC of Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado; JCRC of Greater Boston; JCRC of Greater Miami; JCRC of Louisville; JCRC of Minnesota and the Dakotas; JCRC of the Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex County, NJ; JCRC of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey; Jewish Community Relations Center of the Jewish Federation of San Diego County; Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Dallas; Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington; Jewish Community Relations Council of Metropolitan Detroit; Jewish Community Relations Council of South Palm Beach County; Jewish Community Relations Council of Southern New Jersey; Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis; Jewish Community Relations Council of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation; Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati; Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia; Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County; Jewish Community Relations Council of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation; Jewish Federation Association of Connecticut; Jewish Federation of Broward County; Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey; Jewish Federation of Cleveland; Jewish Federation of Dutchess County; Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles; Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven; Jewish Federation of Greater Phoenix; Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh; Jewish Federation of Monmouth County; Jewish Federation of Nashville & Middle Tennessee;Jewish Federation of Pinellas & Pasco Counties; Jewish Federation of Reading, Pennsylvania; Jewish Federation of Rockland County; Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee; Jewish Federation of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren, NJ; Jewish Federation of Springfield, Illinois; Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass; Jewish International Connection NY; Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago; Memphis Jewish Federation; Na'amat USA; Na'amat USA - Eastern Area; National Center for Public Policy Research; National Council of Jewish Women; National Ramah Commission; New Jersey State Association of Jewish Federations; New York Board of Rabbis; New York Region of Hadassah; North American Association of Synagogue Executives (NAASE); Northeast Queens Jewish Community Council; Queens Jewish Community Council; Rabbinical Assembly; Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami; RJeneration; Southwest Jewish Congress; UJA Federation of Greater Toronto; United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula; United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism; Vaad HaRabbonim of America; Westchester Jewish Council; World Jewish Congress - United States; Youngstown Area Jewish Federation (list in formation)

    We thank Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Congressman Gary Ackerman, Congressman Michael Grimm, Congressman Steve Israel, Congresswoman Nita Lowey, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy, Congressman Jerrold Nadler, Congressman Charles Rangel and New York City Public Advocate Bill de Blasio for adding their signatures to this important petition.

    For questions, concerns, or to add your organization to the list of co-sponsors, please contact Noam Gilboord at gilboordn@jcrcny.org.