
Friday, September 16, 2011

Courtesy Of Obama – The Drums Of War Are Beating

"Obama has so empowered the Arab/Moslem World by weakening America abroad, and by throwing America’s most important Arab Ally (Egyptian Leader Mubarak) under the bus, that the Arabs/Moslems believe that they will never have a better opportunity than now to slaughter the Jews, as they will soon try to drive them into the Mediterranean Sea, as they have ALWAYS promised to do for as long as Israel has been reborn."...Howard Galganov
September 16, 2011
By: Howard Galganov

On October 30, 2008 . . . prior to the Presidential election, I wrote the following:
    “PRESIDENT Barack Obama will be the worst thing for the USA and the entire world. And he will be poison for Israel”.
wrote a great deal more about my fears for an Obama victory prior to and just after the November 2008 election, which you can find in my Archives, but this one statement is enough to establish how far back I REALLY worried for Israel’s safety under this Narcissistic Demagogue, whose most important past associations screamed Israel-Hater.

And I wasn’t the only one who rang warning bells before and after the vote. Conservative Talk Show Hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Sean Hannity and a great many others also did everything they could to warn the people.

What bothered me even MORE than Obama’s victory . . . was whom it was who not only voted for him, but were amongst his NUMBER ONE SUPPORTERS.

The Arab/Moslem World with the blessing of Jew-Hating Europe is poised to revisit the Nazi efforts of a FINAL SOLUTION for the Jewish people. The only difference being, that this FINAL SOLUTION will be in the Middle East by the Arabs/Moslems instead of in Europe by the Eurotrash.

Even though Obama has set the stage for a war against Israel, that I believe will come much sooner rather than later, Obama cannot be held singularly responsible, since he could not have done what he has without the help of WILLING accomplices.

Obama’s disdain for Israel was no secret when he won SEVENTY-EIGHT percent of the American Jewish Vote in 2008. Therefore, the rhetorical question is this . . .

Who amongst the Jewish Community will admit to putting the proverbial bullets into Obama’s Anti-Israel gun, and then handed him that gun with the trigger cocked?

Had Hollywood Jews like Spielberg and Streisand amongst an army of other prominent Jews in so many other LEFTIST walks of life not given their unabashed support for Obama, he still might have won the 2008 election, but at the very least, these Jewish LEFTISTS could not be held accountable for how Obama has placed Israel in the cross-hairs of Israel’s most vicious haters.

Obama has so empowered the Arab/Moslem World by weakening America abroad, and by throwing America’s most important Arab Ally (Egyptian Leader Mubarak) under the bus, that the Arabs/Moslems believe that they will never have a better opportunity than now to slaughter the Jews, as they will soon try to drive them into the Mediterranean Sea, as they have ALWAYS promised to do for as long as Israel has been reborn.

Because of Obama’s Middle East Policy that has laid BLAME against Israel for everything; Anti-Semitic Europe will watch from the sidelines with fake angst as the Arabs/Moslems do all that they can to finish the Job Hitler couldn’t.

And because of the geographical nature of the Middle East and the size of Israel, Israel will take a real beating in the forthcoming war in terms of material destruction and loss of Jewish life.

Israel will not only survive the coming whirlwind, but will come out of it even stronger by destroying the Arab/Moslem military infrastructure.

And perhaps MOST of all, Israel will become whole as it was before the Roman Empire destroyed the Second Temple in 70 AD, by retaking the historic lands of Judea and Samaria, which the so-called Palestinians have claimed for themselves.

The 78% of America’s Jews who did whatever they could to place into power the Israel-Hater who is the catalyst for this war against Israel, will in their own way have no less Jewish blood on their hands than will Obama once the fighting starts.

And even though there was Jewish remorse in Tuesday’s NYC (September 13, 2011) 9th District election, as they voted AGAINST Obama, their regret is like trying to un-ring a bell that has already been rung.


When Palestinian Leader Abbas asks the United Nations on September 20, 2011 to vote on a Unilateral Declaration of Palestinian Statehood, all the pieces will begin to move in directions no one will be able to control, all because of Obama and the people who made him President.

I really hope that I’m wrong about Israel being pushed to war, but I don’t think so.


Obama was right when he said that elections have consequences. It’s just too bad that so many people weren’t listening to him with their eyes wide open when he said it – Especially 78% of America’s Jewish population.

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov

Posted by Ted Belman @ 12:43 am -- ISRAPUNDIT